AS/NZS 1891.4:2009
What is AS/NZS 1891.4:2009?
AS/NZS 1891.4:2009 specifies requirements and sets out recommendations for the selection, safe use and maintenance of industrial fall-arrest systems and devices based on the use of safety harnesses, horizontal life lines and rails, fall-arrest devices, and associated lanyards, connectors, anchorages and fittings.
This Standard specifies requirements and sets out recommendations for the selection, safe use and maintenance of industrial fall-arrest systems and devices based on the use of safety harnesses, horizontal life lines and rails, fall-arrest devices, and associated lanyards, connectors, anchorages and fittings, as follows:
(a) Selection Requirements and recommendations for determining the types of components of the system that would be appropriate to the envisaged usage.
(b) Safe use Requirements and recommendations relating to the safe practices to be followed in the use of components and assemblies.
(c) Maintenance Requirements and recommendations for inspection, storage, servicing and cleaning practices.
Note that his Standard provides guidance for the selection of equipment and safe use procedures for some but not necessarily all forms of height protection or all of the circumstances under which such equipment and procedures are used.
The selection and safe use of equipment used in total restraint or rope access is not covered by this Standard (see AS/NZS 4488.2 for selection and safe use of rope access equipment).